
What I learned after painting 200 faces

 After 2 years of watercolor painting I have finally done 200 faces or pieces of faces. What I learned is this; I love the medium-  I love the non-messy nature of it Portable The surprise of it The fact that all art is discovery and the next painting, sculpture, poem, novel, or song will be better than the last is encouraging.  It pushes you forward, always seeking and learning. Don't stop...keep going.

Why draftsmanship matters

  If you want to have a career in art you must study the human form. Period.  You cannot render a superhero with out knowing how to draw the muscles under the tights.  How do you render a flowing 1930's gown with out knowing where the hip line is?   Make all the excuses you want. if you don't put the time in to correctly understand anatomy, human, animal, fish. You will not achieve your vision.  All modern artist like Picasso studied, Abstract is a genue or style that you develop into or you choose after you develop a degree of draftsmanship. 

You tube! Finished watercolor paintings from Gowanus Watercolor co.

WE are finally launching the youtube channel

Our version of a dot card.

 We have been trying to send samples as dot card...It was not working out! So we found these SUPER cute mini pans.   So in orders your samples will be in these pans.  BUT we also made an 8 color palette for purchase. Split primary color palette ct  For only $12.50! 

New gold watercolor paint!

It seems that our etsy shop's best sellers are Palettes!  To add a little shimmer, we had started to make a mica brilliant gold.  How I use the paint is in back grounds. And Our Triade is our #1 seller.  It is based on the principal that artist need to train their eyes to see colors. This is a warm palette.  Once you get used to the medium than you add in more colors.  Like our cool palette By combining both palettes you get a split complementary palette, this means a warm and cool paint in each color yellow, red and blue. To buy these paints visit our Etsy shop at

Holiday 202 news! Here is a short video to show all the color you can chose from to make your own custom palette

We at Gowanus watercolor co are thrilled to announce.... Chose your own colors for a custom watercolor palette.  Also Rainbow palette kit for Holiday sales 2020,, 8 color palette with a watercolor sketch book and towel.    

New paint added and make your own palette.

 We have expanded our colors. We added Queens Py 150. It is a uniques yellow that is super strong in all directions Also, you can now make your own palette. How do you paint? What do you paint? Pick 4 colors that will add to your process. .